Roger’s Vison for Limestone County

Limestone is the fastest-growing county in the state of Alabama, and we’re nowhere near prepared for this ongoing population surge. Our County Commission needs someone who understands the resulting burdens and deficiencies that will affect every one of our citizens, and who has the experience and determination to get the job done.

Secure funding for county-wide infrastructure improvements.

Our County Commission needs to be more proactive in seeking out available funding from state and federal agencies, instead of just waiting for an invitation to apply. With additional manpower and attention directed to finding qualifying grants, we can dramatically increase our pool of available resources.

Utilize those new financial resources to benefit current and future residents.

Expand roads and intersections, and increase the availability of needed infrastructure for all our citizens. We can’t wait until our population grows beyond what we can currently support – we have to start preparing now.

Leverage improvements and resources to attract new businesses and incentivize more essential service providers to set up in Limestone County.

Far too many of our residents have to travel all the way to Huntsville for medical care or to purchase things they need for their homes, their business, or their health. Our people deserve to have better options closer to home, and a smart approach to the improvement and expansion of our commercial base will motivate more retailers and service providers to join us.